PowerXchange: Resolutions vote set for March 5 Annual Meeting

NRECA Annual Meeting and resolution voting

Cooperative leaders will gather March 1-6 in San Antonio, Texas, for PowerXchange, NRECA's annual meeting of members.

During the event, members will vote on resolutions, which guide NRECA staff in their work to advocate on behalf of coop­eratives and consumers.

The National Resolutions Committee will hold an informational forum about the proposed resolutions from 4 to 5 p.m. Sunday, March 3. Voting delegates will cast their ballots on the resolutions at the business meeting from 11 a.m. to noon Tuesday, March 5.

The proposed resolutions were developed over the past year by cooperative leaders throughout the United States and discussed at the 2023 regional meetings.The resolutions were then sent to the three NRECA standing committees: the Legislative Committee, the Regulatory Committee, and the Cooperative Man­agement, Employment, and Community (CMEC) Committee. Committee members reviewed all resolutions, including amended ones, and made recommendations for or against the proposals.

The standing committees' work and recommendations are then reviewed by the National Resolutions Committee, which updates the policy background statements as needed, orders the resolutions in a logical sequence, and prepares the agenda for the annual business meeting. Boshaw also represents Region 1 cooperatives on the National Resolutions Committee.

Throughout the year, PREA board members consider and discuss the proposed resolutions. At their January board meeting, directors approved National Resolutions Committee-recommended action to adopt proposed Resolutions 1, 2, 3 (Consent Agenda) 4, 5-A, and 6 to 9.

The following is a summary of the pro­posed new resolutions and amendments to existing resolutions:

Proposed Resolution I - Regarding the Term "Electric Cooperative[s]"
This resolution concerns the standardization of certain terms in member resolutions. Toward that goal, the committee proposes the term "electric cooperative[s]" replace "rural electric cooperative[s]:' "rural electric[s]:' and "rural electric system[s]" throughout the proposed resolutions in the business meeting materials, including multiple resolutions in Proposed Resolution 3 (Consent Agenda). Proposed Resolution 1 is being presented for logistical and efficiency purposes. If adopted by voting delegates, the term will be used consistently throughout the 2024 member resolutions adopted March 5, 2024. The Resolutions Committee recommends adoption of this resolution.

Proposed Resolution 2 - Regarding the Phrase "We Urge NRECA''
This resolution concerns the commit­tee's objective to streamline and provide a consistent format to member resolutions. Toward that goal, the Resolutions Committee has proposed the phrase "We urge NRECA'' to replace "We further urge NRECA'' and "We also urge NRECA" throughout the proposed resolutions in the business meeting materials, including multiple resolutions in Proposed Resolution 3 - Consent Agenda to Adopt. Proposed Resolution 2 is being presented for logistical and efficiency purposes. If adopted by voting delegates, the phrase will be used consistently throughout the 2024 member resolutions adopted March 5, 2024. The Resolutions Committee recommends adoption of this resolution.

Proposed Resolution 3 -Consent Agenda
This resolution concerns issues considered to be non-controversial involving NRECA's preamble, the cooperative business model, cooperative governance and leadership, the member-owner relationship, workforce safety, security and operations management, investment and financial matters, power supply, power delivery, energy markets and industry structure, environmental issues, and telecommunications and technology utilization. The standing committees and Resolutions Committee recommend the adoption of these resolutions.

Proposed Resolution 4 -Amendment to Existing Resolution (Support for the Protection of Hydroelectric Dams)
This resolution amends Proposed Resolution 4's title from "Protection of Hydroelectric Dams" to "Support for the Protection of Hydroelectric Dams" for consistency with other member resolution titles. The Resolutions Committee recognizes this resolution addresses an important issue currently affecting NRECA voting members in the Pacific Northwest and has placed it on the business meeting agenda for individual consideration. The Regulatory and Resolutions Committees recommend adoption of this resolution.

Proposed Resolution SA -Amend­ment to Existing Resolution (Support for Responsibly Addressing Spent Fuel and Nuclear Waste)
This resolution was originally submitted by the Idaho Consumer-Owned Utilities Association in consultation with NRECA generation and transmission members with nuclear resources and amended by the Resolutions Committee at its June 2023 meeting. In January 2024, for consistency with other member resolution titles, the title was amended to include "Support for Responsibly Addressing:” The remaining amendments are consistent with the original version, which was adopted by Regions 1-10 at the 2023 NRECA Regional Meetings.
This version was not considered at the 2023 NRECA Regional Meetings. The Regulatory and Resolutions Committees recommend adoption of this resolution.

Proposed Courtesy Resolutions 6-9 -Recognition/ Appreciation
These resolutions provide recognition for the service by electric cooperative workers as they provide critical support to police, fire, sheriffs, and other organizations in responding to emergencies; recognition of electric cooperative employees and directors who have served or are presently serving-in active military duty around the world; appreciation to the many people who have contributed to the success of the 2024 NRECA PowerXchange; and a memorial to the friends and leaders of the rural electric cooperative program who passed away during the last year. The CMEC and Resolutions Committees recommend adoption of these resolutions.

To better understand the Resolutions Process, on the NRECA website.

For more information about PowerXchange, including registration, breakout sessions and the TechAdvantage Expo, visit cooperative.com.

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